About Spring Equinox

March 21 - April 5
First Pentad, March 21 - 26
Second Pentad, March 27 - 31
Third Pentad, April 1 - 5

Between the end of March and the beginning of April, we genuinely feel that the days of winter lie behind us. The season of the spring equinox is when the days grow longer than the nights, and our lives begin to return outdoors. The sense of anticipation that we have felt in the months and weeks prior is now rewarded with the first herald blossoms, flowers, and greenery. This is a joyful season, a season of relief. Across cultures, across the millenia, we humans have marked and celebrated the days around the equinox with revelry and joy. Farewell to winter, and welcome spring at last!

Spring Equinox
Podcast Episode

In this reflective episode, Alexis and Kit joyfully welcome brighter days, remember springs past amid wildflower meadows and cherry blossoms, and look forward to the shining future. Hiroaki Sato leaves “Hiro’s Corner” to join our co-hosts for an interview about haiku.

Click here for poems & songs featured in this episode.

Words of the Season

In the Sky

March winds
Spring Dawn
Shining Wind
Spring Storms

In the Ground

Tsukushi (field horsetail)
Na no Hana
California Mustard
Spring meadows
Cherry Blossoms

In Our Lives

Spring peace
Playing in the Fields
Seed Sowing


In the United States, April is National Poetry Month. Learn more about the oft quoted ancient Chinese poet Li Bai in this new book, The Banished Immortal: A Life of Li Bai by Ha Jin

If you love cherry blossoms, discover a kindred spirit and learn about the man who helped to bring Japanese Cherry trees to the world in Cherry Ingram by Naoko Abe